Minutes of the Meeting held on 02 November 2021 at 10.00am at Romiley Life Centre

Present: - Tracey Adams, Philippa Bonorino, Pam Reed, Beryl and Alan Smith, Terry Holmes, Glenys Backhouse
Apologies: Jean Bartlett, Abdulnaser Alshurbaji, John Young, Anne Granby, Damian Fairbrother Jones, Debbie Barraclough
Minutes of the meeting on 7 September 2021 were accepted as a correct record.
Matters arising from the minutes – Sign for the Compstall Rd entrance - there has been no information recently, so Tracey will follow this up. TA
Treasurer’s Report
The balance is £2,467.68 after payments for the hire of the equipment for preparing the wildflower meadow and the purchase of Yellow Rattle seeds.
Action Plan
Wildflower meadow –The area was close mown, then scarified in October and Yellow Rattle seed sown. Thanks to Kevin Greener from the Romiley Arms bowling team for his expert help with the scarifier. The next step will be to cut the grass to 10cm in the Spring and then plant a few other wildflowers. The local Lions’ offer of £50.00 towards the cost of creating the meadow was welcomed. Other sources of funding will be sought. TH/AS/PB
Trees – The Arboriculture Officer has not been available, so Alan proposed that he should speak to Ian Walmsley about the purchase of the Betula, any contributions to the cost of the wildflower meadow and the replacement of the Liquidambar behind the petrol station. If the FoRP have to fund the trees, we would buy 5 in the first instance. PB/AS
Trees / hedge – Abdulnaser has dramatically improved the appearance of the beech hedge by removing a lot of the branches growing out of the top. We will ask the headteacher if we might have access to the primary school playground on a Saturday to tackle more from the other side of the hedge. TA
School bed –Work will start on clearing the central section at the next gardening session. TH/AS/PB
Spare plants from the centre bed, such as crocosmias will be planted in the area near the substation. TA/JB
The phormiums will be cut back as soon as possible. PB/TA
Wet beds – The bed by the gym equipment continues to look good but the nettles still require cutting back regularly. Damian has started digging out the bed by the school side entrance. When this is complete, the Iris, Persicaria and Astilbes will be split and replanted. The Cotoneaster topiary will be replaced by a shrub that keeps its leaves in winter.TH/DFJ
Centre bed - Helenium, Rudbeckias and Echinacea have been planted. The candelabra primulas are being split and replanted. Tracey will lift the Dahlias and replant them in a better position in the Spring. Most of the shrubs need trimming. BS/AS/ PB/TH
Optician’s bed – Alan has completed the overhaul of this section of the park, which will now require regular maintenance. AS/ AG?
Compstall Road – this bed was tidied at the end of September and the Mahonia will be moved from the school bed at the next gardening session. PB/AS
Carlton Avenue – this bed was tidied last weekend and some Vinca transplanted to cover gaps. PB
Tubs –Thanks to Jean, Pam and Barbara for continuing to keep the tubs looking good. The possible siting of an extra tub at the Compstall Road entrance will be investigated. JB/PR/AS

Christmas Social event – The Christmas meal will be at the Hare and Hounds on 2 December. There was a reminder that payments are due to Jean now. JB
Gardening – Wednesday 3, Tuesday 16, Saturday 27 November. PB
The next meeting which is the AGM will take place on Tuesday 18 January at 10.00. at the Life Centre. This is a change of time as the Life Centre is not open in the evening, but we will still arrange a meal in the evening so that others can join us. JB. Thanks to the Life Centre for hosting us.
Other business – The meetings for 2022 are Tuesdays 10 – 12.00 at the Life Centre: 1 March, 3 May, 5 July, 13 September, 1 November

Next gardening sessions:

3, 16 and 27 November 10.00 – 12.00

All welcome. Volunteers required.