Minutes of Meeting held on 05 February 2019 @ 10.00am at The Life Centre. Romiley.

Present: - Tracey Adams (Chair), Beryl & Alan Smith (Chair), Jean Bartlett, Pam Reed Philippa Bonorino, Peter Birchenhough & Terry Holmes. .

Apologies: Debbie Barraclough, Jill Lince, Glenys Backhouse & Abdulnasser.

1. Minutes of the Meeting on 06 November 2018 were accepted as a correct record.
2. Treasurer's Report – PR confirmed that the £100 cheques to both charities had been presented since the last meeting.  The balance is now £2869.03.

3.  Action Plan for 2019

▪ New signboard at the front entrance installed.  Smaller version at the Compstall Rd entrance required.
▪ Convenience store has closed.  Future use?  Litter bin required?  C&C.
▪ Wood chip – supplied via AC. Spread on the boundary beds – looks great.
▪ Compstall Rd beds require urgent attention, particularly the grasses.
▪ AS proposed purchase of 132 perennials for the centre bed.  Details approved.  AS will order. They are bare root plants to be planted asap after delivery.  AS will sound the alarm
▪ Signage for Carlton Ave entrance required.  Arch/sign?  TA to investigate.
▪ The double fence and hedge along the school boundary belong to the school.  We cannot find a solution to brambles, litter etc. What are our options?
▪ All newly planted bulbs now flowering.
▪ The reduction in width of the laurel hedge along the southern boundary has been completed but the work has revealed many roots on the surface and stumps of bushes.  This is particularly dangerous in the open grassed area.  JB has been asked to seek a solution.
▪ When the roots etc of the laurel have been removed we will trial an area of wild flower meadow using either turf or seed/soil mix. Costs to be investigated. Advance works will be discussed with JB
▪ Four replacement trees have been planted. A flowering pear to replace the cherry and three liquidambar at the rear of the petrol station.   Thanks to Anthony Cross.
▪ TH proposed that we revisit our plan to plant a group of silver birch near the gym equipment to create a focal point from the front of the park.  AC to advise.
▪ Play area requires a few new floor paintings.  Cost sharing?  How much? Contact RB.

4.  Community Fun Day

The 2019 event will be held on 22 June.  Application approved by SMBC.  DB/JM/GS/KW/DT are organising.  Next meeting in March.  Can we use our new gazebo?  See KW.

5.  Website

    All work completed and fully operational apart from the Community Fun Day page.  DT/ JM/DB to liase with TA re access.

6.  Graphics of Centre Bed

PB requested assistance with completion of this graphic.  THwill seek a solution.

7.  Next Meeting will be on 7th May 2019 at 10.00hrs at The Life Centre.   Social at Fisherman’s Table on 12 March.

TA expressed thanks to Life Centre for hosting our meetings.  

Gardening: 30th March 10.00 till Noon.

Volunteers required.  All welcome.