Minutes of the Tenth Annual General Meeting held on 9th January 2018 @7.00pm at The Life Centre, Romiley. Birchenhough*
Present: - Tracey Adams*, Alan & Beryl Smith*, John Ackers*, Pam Reed*, *Residents.
Apologies – Debbie Barraclough* Jean Bartlett*, Jill Lince*, Peter Birchenhough*& Terry Holmes*
1. The Chair (Tracey Adams) welcomed all present and read out the Notice of the Meeting.
2. Minutes of the Meeting held on 10th January 2017 were approved as a correct record.
3. Treasurers Report: - John Ackers presented the accounts for the year ending 31 December 2017. Income totalled £1953.35, expenditure £2113.91 leaving a balance of £2267.03. The income was totally from the Community Fun Day. The items of expenditure were for the website hosting renewal £94.19 and the remainder the costs of the Fun Day. In addition donations totalling £400 have been made to local voluntary groups and charities. There were no questions.
4. Chairperson’s Annual Report
In 2017 The Friends of Romiley Park completed another year of dedicated, successful gardening, upkeep and community involvement. The park has continued to be extremely well used by residents and visitors of Romiley Village. From walking around and sitting in the front garden area, to using the outdoor gym equipment, children's play area and playing fields, to strolling, running and dog walking along the well maintained and lit pathways.
There has been a number of Improvements within and around the park:
new signage installed at the park path end of Carlton Avenue
replacement signage at the Compstall Road entrance
Work has almost been completed on the History and Map of Romiley Park. These will be incorporated within the new notice board that will be installed at the front entrance of the park in early 2018.
All planters have been restocked with annuals and will be planted with spring bulbs, supplied by SMBC
The laurel hedges along the length of the grassed connection of the front garden and the gym equipment has been reduced in height and work has begun on the width.
The opticians bed has seen overground planting removed and restocked with more colourful and controllable specimens.
1000 crocus bulbs have been planted at the front entrance of the park and along the fencing of the school border. These were supplied by The Rotary Club as part of their ‘End Polio Now’ campaign.
The Friends of Romiley Park Information Leaflet was completed and printed. This has been distributed throughout the village, to shops, businesses and given out to users of the park.
After the successful grant application to the Big Lottery in 2016, a sub-committee was set up by The FoRP secretary, to organise and co-ordinate a Community Fun Day event.
Through the hard work and enthusiasm of this group, the residents and visitors to Romiley enjoyed an array of musical entertainment, sport activities, a dog show, cake competition, market stalls and refreshments and more, with the event being so well received, £1200 has been ring-fenced for the event to be held in June 2018 and funds raised also allowed for the Friends to donate to some of the voluntary groups/organisations who participated.
Again all the things mentioned could not have taken place without the selfless time and energy of the following:
Friends who month on month, turn up to garden however good or bad the weather, bringing and sharing their experience and enthusiasm to the gardening and planning of the activities undertaken.
Our ‘Friend’ Jill Lance, who looks after the planters and keeps an eye on the Compstall Road bed.
John Ackers for his hard work as treasurer.
Jean Bartlett for her excellent social secretary skills.
Ian Walmsley (Head of Parks) and his staff at Stockport MBC, especially Jackie Budd and the Staff at SK Solutions, who all provide their help and expertise to improve and maintain the park.
Romiley Lifecentre for their continued support, allowing us the use of this room and providing refreshments for the Friends.
Alan Smith for his diligence, in producing minutes of meetings, grant applications and by moving forward the ideas of the Friends with eagerness and passion and along with Beryl Smith, as founder members leave us all standing with their selfless dedication to the continuation of this fantastic and successful Group.
5. Election of Officers
Chair – Tracey Adams was proposed, seconded and elected unanimously.
Treasurer – Pan Reed was proposed, seconded and elected unanimously.
Secretary – Alan Smith was proposed, seconded and elected unanimously.
The Chair again took the opportunity to thank John Ackers for all his efforts since formation in 2005.
6. Bank Account
Following the retirement of John Ackers and the closure of both Natwest and Barclays Banks in Romiley it was agreed that our account be transferred to RBS with the new signatures.
7. There being no further business the Chair declared the meeting closed at 19.40. Alan Smith 25/01/2017.